Startup Launchpad
April 12, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating a Sdn Bhd in Malaysia for Startup Founders

The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating a Sdn Bhd in Malaysia for Startup Founders

As a startup founder in Malaysia, choosing the right business structure is crucial for your venture's success. Incorporating a Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd) is often the preferred choice for tech startups and innovative businesses. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of incorporating a Sdn Bhd in Malaysia, covering legal requirements, benefits, and key steps tailored for startup founders.

Why Choose a Sdn Bhd for Your Startup?

Sdn Bhd stands for "Sendirian Berhad," which translates to "Private Limited" in English. For startup founders, this structure offers several advantages:

1. Limited Liability: Protect your personal assets from your startup's debts and liabilities.
2. Credibility: Gain trust from investors, partners, and customers with a professional business structure.
3. Scalability: Easily accommodate growth, from adding co-founders to bringing on investors.
4. Tax Benefits: Enjoy various tax incentives designed to support new businesses and innovations.
5. Funding Opportunities: Access a wider range of funding options, including venture capital and government grants.

Legal Requirements for Incorporating a Sdn Bhd

As a startup founder, you'll need to meet these basic requirements:

1. Directors: At least one director, aged 18 or above, who resides in Malaysia.
2. Shareholders: Minimum one shareholder (can be an individual or another company).
3. Company Secretary: Appoint a qualified company secretary within 30 days of incorporation.
4. Registered Office: Have a physical office address in Malaysia (virtual offices are often acceptable).
5. Minimum Paid-up Capital: RM1 (though higher amounts may be necessary for certain visas or licenses).

Step-by-Step Guide to Incorporating Your Startup as a Sdn Bhd

Step 1: Name Your Startup

1. Brainstorm unique, memorable names that reflect your startup's vision.
2. Check name availability on the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) website.
3. Submit a name application to SSM (RM50 per name).
4. Await approval (typically 1-2 working days).

For in-depth tips on choosing a compelling startup name, check out our article on Sdn Bhd naming guidelines.

Step 2: Submit Incorporation Application

1. File the incorporation application with SSM.
2. Pay the incorporation fee (RM1,010).
3. Wait for processing (usually 1-3 working days).

Step 3: Post-Incorporation Setup

1. Obtain company seal and share certificates.
2. Open a corporate bank account.
3. Register for necessary tax accounts.
4. Apply for relevant startup grants or incentives.

Key Considerations for Startup Founders

1. Equity Distribution: Carefully plan how to divide shares among co-founders and early employees.
2. Intellectual Property: Ensure all IP is properly assigned to the company.
3. Startup Visas: If you're a foreign founder, explore Malaysia's startup visa options.
4. Funding Readiness: Set up your company structure to be attractive to potential investors.

Simplify Your Startup Journey with Our Incorporation Package

We understand that as a startup founder, your focus should be on building your product and growing your business, not getting bogged down in paperwork. That's why we offer a comprehensive "Done-For-You" Sdn Bhd incorporation package tailored specifically for startups, priced at just RM1499.

Our all-inclusive startup package includes:

1. Personalised Company Name Selection: We'll help you brainstorm and select a unique, marketable name for your startup, ensuring it aligns with your vision and passes SSM requirements.

2. Complete Sdn Bhd Setup: We handle all the paperwork and filings necessary to establish your Sdn Bhd, including preparation of all required documents and submission to SSM.

3. Bank Account Setup Assistance: We'll arrange introductions with our banking partners and assist you in opening a corporate bank account, a crucial step in getting your startup finance-ready.

4. Startup-Specific Guidance: Receive expert advice on structuring your company for growth, including tips on equity distribution and preparing for future funding rounds.

5. Compliance Overview: Get a clear roadmap of your ongoing compliance requirements, helping you stay focused on growth while remaining legally compliant.

Get Your Startup Incorporated with Our RM1499 Package

Need More Information?

Every startup is unique, and you might have specific questions about incorporating your business in Malaysia. Our team of experts is here to provide personalised guidance tailored to your startup's needs.

Whether you're a local entrepreneur or a foreign founder looking to establish your startup in Malaysia, we're here to help you navigate the incorporation process with ease.

Contact Our Startup Incorporation Experts

Remember, setting up your startup on a solid legal foundation is crucial for future success. Let us help you start your entrepreneurial journey on the right foot!

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Sdn Bhd naming guidelines


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